scheisse! or shy essy had one of these moments to boot, and later call it an autobiography... a draft in the house, dumb drunk puts a glass of whiskey and coke on a window-sill with the window open... comes the slapping wind, what happens? the window flings open and knocks the full glass onto the floor... scheisse! out comes the towel the hygienic wipes and toilet paper... to later make a reminder: sweeping with my pantofels (misnomer): **** you wear indoors... ah ****, looking for nouns is like pointing in multiple directions... SHLIPPERS! did they stick to the floor? nope, a mighty good job i did, right there and then... there's dust, and there's just sugar on the floor, or a synthetic version of it... the music still plays and there's a extinguished cigarette loitering in my mouth... at this point you reflect: hope there are no claustrophobes out there reading this poo-poo... my, boyish words, alternatively: mess... anywhere but eaton... why would you go to bulgarian prostitutes? erm... you have the money, don't know how to spend it, she'll know, plus you get her to ****** and giggle... problem solved.