I fell in the sea and it was made of love And the love became the taste Of saltwater on her neck And she taught me to dive With my eyes wide open Looking through the water at the sun Breaking the surface.
"It's like just like dying," she said. And I heard "diving" Because it was like diving But it was also unlike diving And so it didn't seem a silly thing to say Though all the things she said Like them fishes in a sea of love Hooked by a line at night That came out of a boat And made us shure That the unsaid things Were both unsaid Were silly.
I forgot my shoes.
We made love between the boats Gently pulling ourselves along the rope From one wine dark evening To the sunlit morning below...
And even my lips Remind me of her Waking so close Her eyes could touch mine Nice dream Like the lift of sunrise Between us And the need of nothing else But these warm shivers and...