She held me in those tired, capable hands and from them I am yet to sprout Doomed to be a seedling, an apple of the tree Never ripe enough, never my own branches or my land Must forever hover around you Feeding that need of purpose
Every button you did, every hole you sowed, Every essay you thought you wrote The friends you called foes The lovers you chased away with scornful words The meals you forced and the blood vessels that burst when you yelled And smacked the solution to that math problem across my head And I mimicked the blows with mirrors and ceramic objects so my skull knew what it deserved
I learned to recognise the dark At first unfriendly and strange Then it was the only colour I knew by heart
The kind of hurt that only more pain numbs Bony, thin-skinned wrists All fingers and thumbs, Make it smile A welcome friend: it’s me! It knows! The fire in my head dies and turns to water, It fills a basin it fills a sea Then a clarity forms A small but singular necessary piece It is love Within me this warmth toward my child self