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Feb 2018
Im fine
Wait come back
Im so very far from fine
These contacts hold back my tears
These long sleeves hide my scars
This filter keeps my sadness on a leash
And these needles keep my heart from falling apart
These thoughs , this mind always so dismal
“ Happiness is a hero “ but my pain is ever so abysmal
Nobody feels what i feel
But at the same time nobody seems to reveal
Whats going on inside
So how are we going to know when your horrors decide to collide ?
My monsters seem to be my only companion
They relieve the pain of feeling abandoned
But they hide the purpose that attemps to surface
Trying to delay what my heart seems to portray
But i am a cold soul and i continue to replenish
My basket of bad vibes that never seems to perish
Listen to the sentiments i repeatatly blare
“ I will disown you at once before i decide that i care “
Saying that statment makes me feel manic
I want to let go but there is comfort in the panic
Just like that i have lost everyone i hold dear
Just when i noticed that my happiness was beginning to appear
But when the moons goes away the sun comes out to play
So i will continue to try for the happiness
That my mind keeps trying to betray
" Oh course i'll be here again . I'll see you tomorrow but it's the end of today . End of my ways as a walking denial , my trial was filed as a crazy suicidal headcase .... " -tøp
the wallflower
Written by
the wallflower  17/F/California
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