Was i in delusion or so dumb to understand the fact That in these dark long nights Somehere , when my heart willl ache so bad So deeply it will feel the pain And because of its burden my eyes want to clench itself with drenching scream But i keep them open For sake of feeling more its ache, I forgot, In these hard harsh days In one of these lonesome starless nights Where big palm trees are so silent They fear Their vibration in wind might not awaken the broken burried dreams In fear of creating whisper They just close eyes And i stay up Like an owl this whole night Burning and turning in pain Feeling it from it birth to teen, I forgot That i am alone and will be In such long nights Or the next short day!! These hand you see running towrds you, Do so in their needs, In their such aloof moment, When their glass is empty, To quench the thirst, They drink from ur canal,,,... And you in your foolishness think, the water in your see will stay forever; In ur neglect!!!!!