- permission? concession? short script, or bypass, beer goggles? the easy path? why don't these women concede the freudian madonna-***** complex? i'm supposed to feel castrated all the ****** time? (this is what you call a ?-cascade, an antithesis of egoism). whenever schizophrenia is medical condition exploited by politico and not addressed poetically, metaphorically: after all, i am right handed, which means the following slant: \ (left to right). ever visited a *******? one calls you a good person, the other tells you she gets regular *** checks to mind a concern for a negation of ease disease... point being: i understand the concept of transaction, but otherwise the spaghetti muddle of "free" men and women? shoom! a boeing jet just flew past my head and managed to shave my crop off... now my cranium is a fertile plot of bone that allows a variety of mushrooms to sprout from.
how much of feminism is actually "a" philosophy? "probably" none of it, mark them, and make them stand in line, there is no philosophical impetus behind this movement, there's a beauty in philosophy in that: it's impractical... that's the vain posit of this "art" (rather a technicality) or what's: i'm hardly the magician who's going to disappear with due imploration to do so, without death itself... just give me an outlet for spewing all of this, and i am not exactly a sociable person... silent like a grave... perhaps on third party demands, but in the immediate sense? yet Θ translates itself back into Φ... a key, and a door... and i mean that when feminism is chattering... it's pure politics... stating the ****** obvious, but i was suspicious about it with that layer of its narrative that could have claimed it to be a philosophy... how beautiful: as θought becomes a φilosophy... there is no anti-philosophy though, there's but the comedy of ridicule, simplified as poking... i had to, the whole point of this chattering actually tempted me to throw a penny into the debate... ****, should have joined the army rather than studied chemistry, to subsequently translate it into a semi-comprehensible language.