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Feb 2018
limitless: in shiny, gold lettering.
limitless: a triumphant celebration of accepting who we are and not conforming to society's expectations.
limitless: a concept created by a single man who now doesn't even exist in our eyes.
limitless: a show that struck a chord within a lot of us. a show that awakened a passion and love for music and this program
limitless: my freshman year summed up in one word.

thanks james.
thanks for thinking of limitless thank you for putting in the work thank you for always remembering percussion and giving us comments thank you for always ******* pushing me into things since the drum set back in middle school
thank you for everything.
i think im ready to let go and accept that you're not the man we thought you were
i think im... trying to let go and accept that people are complex and not just two-sided.
im still heartbroken and shocked and ******* furious at what you did and what you chose. im heartbroken thinking about what your future will be after this.

im so sorry james.
im so sorry that you were such a ******* idiot.
im so sorry that now youre going to court and im sorry your career and future here is ruined.
im so sorry.
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