We fight and it is so heated we say things that hurt and sting we pang with pain and malvolence And then we say goodbye. Not, "Good bye hunny! Love you lots!! <3" No. Our good bye is brief and harshly punctuated. And then we huff and puff and stew Then we ask questions At first they are angry questions, ones with no answers "Why is he/she such a ******* *******?" "Why is he/she so stupid?" And we stew some more... Then we ask the right questions. "I wonder why he/she feels that way.." "Why did I say that?" And we stew, but in a different way now. We think with our brains instead of our emotions. And we begin to realize something important We do not fight because we want to antogonize. We fight because we are afraid of losing one another. Afraid of saying the last goodbye. We mull that thought over and I don't know about you but tears begin to escapre from my eyes and fall gently to my pillow. Not racking sobs, just small, meaningful tears I'm sad because I hurt you I cry because I really hope I didn't make you cry. I am sorry and I guess what I really want is to say that to you.