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Sep 2012
Ah, today I was called to do
the saddest thing:
an old couple had died
in a car accident
and it was my job
as their executor
to open their separate wills
and fulfill their wishes
and the other lawyers stood around
moaning: Aren’t they the divinest couple ever?
40 years together and they died together

And I read their wills, and the Old Man's said:
This I crave be inscribed on my wife’s grave:
Cold As Ever

And in her will, the Old Woman said:
*This I crave be inscribed on my husband’s grave:
At Last, Stiff Like Never
...another in my series of poems based on existing jokes...I do find this an exciting and challenging exercise, transforming a joke into verse, for a joke in prose online or even a joke that we might exchange at a pub or a social function seems suddenly to have other dimensions in verse...they're not quite the same...
Raj Arumugam
Written by
Raj Arumugam  Australia
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