"Hello" Poetry
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Andrew Rolston
Feb 2018
Inner Thoughts
There is a new girl I’ve never met
You think she’s nice? “Yeah, I bet”
Hello friend, what is your name?
I don‘t know, but I’m glad you came
When you passed by me a light went off
I start to yawn but only cough
My throat is dry, I need a drink
I grab your attention with a wink
Your eyes, they make my knees go weak
I hope I don’t stutter when I speak
To my surprise your face is calm
While my heart is ticking like a bomb
Your smile is gentle, makes me at ease
I grab for your hand but dare not squeeze
You tilt your head and I start to talk
“Are you new here? Care to take a walk?”
A long pause follows, seems much too long
My mind starts to wonder what I did wrong
Then she says to me something I didn’t expect
“ Are you asking me out? Why not? I accept”
Wow! I think, It must be my lucky day
I’d never have the courage I’d have to say
My mind would take over and let me down
I’d be the laughing stock, the forlorn clown
There is something about her that made me care
I’m just glad she agreed to share my air
I’ve been thinking too long, say something now
“What’s your name?” is all my brain would allow
She looks me in the eyes and I start to freak
It’s the second time I could not speak
“You know, you’re kind of cute” she says with a smile
We’ve been walking along the beach all the while
“This may seem weird, but I feel like we have met before”
She fixes her wind blown hair and shoots me that smile once more
Then she grabs my hand and places something soft inside
“Take this with you as a gift, but until I leave it must hide”
“Wait! Where are you going?” I ask, confused
“It’s my time to go,” she said half amused
With that, she turns and runs into the sea
Her voices echoes over the wind, “Don’t follow me”
I open my hand, still not sure what I was supposed to do
Inside lay a tiny heart and note, “You have mine and I have yours too”
Written by
Andrew Rolston
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