A series of poems written at midnight If I were to ever write a book that would be the name But if we’re to ever write a book I would need the energy to finish it first Maybe if I didn’t wrote stories at midnight then maybe I would be able to write a book But then again when are you the most creatively functioning when your half asleep
Midnight dreams If I were to write a song that would what it would be called But if I were to ever write a song I’d have to learn to stop shaking as my hands hovered over the keys to my notes on my phone But then again if I stopped shaking then I wouldn’t have anything to write about Because your most creative when you talk about the experiences you have made and what they have left you with
Midnight talks If I were to ever have a talk show that what it would be called It if i were to ever have a talk show I would have to learn to talk infront of people with throwing up on myself But then if I weren’t so scared I wouldn’t have any self deprecating jokes to talk because something about your pain makes people laugh Because god most creative jokes come from the most pain you have felt
Maybe its something about midnight that keeps me going The thought of me breaking the number one rule of my parents when I was young ‘Don’t stay up late’ Or maybe it’s the comfort I find in the dark that midnight brings to me Or maybe it’s the fact that me being isolated while everyone sleeps reminds me that even the lonely souls have to talk to people every once in a while Maybe it’s the thought of finding happiness in what is seen as evil
The night has always been so welcoming to me maybe that’s why it’s so easy to write about it