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Feb 2018
talking optics with a cat:
**** me,
you inquire for a destination
point, and there's the cat:
darting-eyed not actually
                   where, but the fact
is: he's searching for a cuddling
place to sleep...
        hey! bed!
scuttles away...
                       cats, dogs, children...
it's hardly a biology,
the nurture / nature argument...
petted a ******* monkey
and made a zoo?
      past media:
what the **** is fame?
                  there's a social
           what, the, jew who was broke
and was borrowing from others
has the current narrative?
            about talking optic with a cat,
(a) placed an ice cube into her
   (b) poured a puddle of water
next to it,
(c) put the ice cube into the puddle
   (d) can a predator
make the comparison
to distrupt it's honing impetus
           on the basis of an aqua imperative?

      hard to allow petting and a study
of biology...
     there's are two strand of
darwinism: one of a biology
as freedom in the "abstract" form...
    but then there's the zoo...
      at want point does
biology and all studies
entwined, become zoology?

having studied chemistry i actually
romantise the proto-chemists:
i.e. alchemists...
         but i still rather bake a doughnut...
or rather: own a doughnut shop,
where i apply deep frying methods...
because the world "knew":
just around a corner,
   a picasso would become
a jack-in-a-box prop...

yes, but the aztecs are least
spectacular when compared
   to the egyptians...
one built a massive guillotine,
the other?
     known as death:
    a massive pile of rocks
rigid to fasten Δ
    (at any point, is there
a congestion narrative?)
mind you,
     the asians share the african trait
of a flattened:

                 nasal structure...
            whatever the melenin
                    return to the bronze age
              and beaches
counter to looking at birch trees...
      why do i have a
        upper lateral catrilage,
that doesn't compensate the similarity
of asians and africans?

once compared to a rat,
  you start sniffing out "problems" like
a rat...

   don't know about Prometheus,
but the basis of myth to bypass
because what is time?
          upon this axis:
                         ­       i
                      ­          t o d a y
                             ­   r
                            m y t h o l o g y

scientia temporum...
                i just explained:
inanimate things congest the "bias"
for the basis of tomorrow...

because what is the modern myth
of revampt Prometheus?
        i.e. who stole
              Zeus' lightning bolt?
who brought down
               fire in the modern form
(revised) of electricity?

             the greeks are silents...
for all their worth,
    it's like watching a civilised
people acting as

then Bristol Pop says:
isambard kingdom brunel,
while i'm the one who wrote
an essay on
michael faraday
                 in primary school;

given this example...
   what, the, ****, is, pop?!

i mean pop: translated into trivia!
trivia shows!
             i haven't heard any
word on the matter of
the modern prometheus that was
                              michael faraday...

it's almost funny how
the people with the *******
surnames, have no nicknames,
but a holocaust signature.

i can almost sense
       an impeding desire
    to avert this modern cleptomania,
people are becoming more and
more "claustrophobic"...
           because history has
approached a zenith of hoarding...

and believe me when i say
that i've walked among many
        and it would be great to achieve
a date-of-birth
         and a date-of-death
imprinted into stone,
     that wasn't a coroner's scribble
on papyrus.
Mateuš Conrad
Written by
Mateuš Conrad  36/M/Essex (England)
(36/M/Essex (England))   
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