I kneel before you though you are no God I give you my shame, lonliness, hopelessness and pain You take it all with no argument, no hesitation and no judgement
When I kneel before you I feel the world staring down upon me; disappointed and accusitory What would they say if they saw me in these moments? The world, friends, family.......what would they say? I can't stop spending time with you though I have tried
Unfortunately, it only takes a thought It use to be harder to give it all to you Forcing myself to bare those things to you.........it use to be so hard Now it is easy! And I hate myself for it.
To keep myself sane, to keep it all inside, I run my tongue across my gums to feel the missing molars, the hole in the bicuspid, the degraded bicuspid and think in my head...... "Fight the urge. Fight the urge. Fight the urge to kneel and purge."
I go silent. I go numb. I beat it, I hope, at least for today But, I see you and feel the need to give it all to you And in that moment I am beautiful, or, at least I hope to be
I made the mistake of listening to society They told me to be the way they dictate on tv, in magazines, on billboards, and bus signs and newspapers and the radio I tried because they said it wasn't ok to be me To just be me I wasn't enough Why can't I be enough?
Thoughts. Thoughts. Thoughts! It's too easy!
I kneel before you though you are no God I give you my shame, lonliness, hopelessness and pain You take it all with no arguments no hesitation and no judgement
"Fight the urge. Fight the urge. Fight the urge to kneel and purge."