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Dec 2012
sitting in a park, not too far from your home, i wandered the grass still wet with rain. I watched the leaves fall silent, fluttering to the ground like broken birds trying to land without dying. there in that serene scene of nature and disrepair i saw the boy, laughing and running, oblivious to the melancholy. he shared my features, just as if i had a son. stricken with wonder, i watched myself frolic in the damp and dreary weather loving the simple state of the world. it was at that moment that wished i was him again, free from the pains that the weight of the world press upon us. free from an endlessly broken heart, pieced back together too many times to call it whole. i wished myself a kid again. yet no man goes back and no scar is disappeared. the rain cries for us, those who are too tired to shed anymore tears. and so it did and i fell deaf, in awe of the blessed beauty of youth in all its splendor.
Whyleigh evermore
Written by
Whyleigh evermore  13/Space
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