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Feb 2018
We’d fought all afternoon via text
After a decent good morning
‘Such and such saw you on Instaface’
I tell her she’s full of **** and she sends me a screenshot with
‘Don’t bother coming home.’

Not even gonna bother
Just take my time
Take pictures of my junk
Send them to that married woman across town and ask her if I can
Drop by
‘I got my kids...maybe another time.’
The Liquor Store
Come home
& Hear the tv on, see her
Out of the corner of my eye
She’s hidden the wine opener
But I got the $7.50 twist off Cabernet
And the Silent Treatment goes on
Till 10pm or so
Like I care to makeup
She starts in on me
Like She’s so innocent
With the ***** calls she told me
The guys she used against me
The one she was supposed to delete but kept around on another
Social media
‘I don’t have anything for him...’
Just pictures of your *******
It’s how you got me
It’s how you get them all
It’s how I do it too

We were built for pretty
For Selfies
For posting up
Our food
Our drinks
Our lives
That seem better than others
But not for love
Not for our souls
Just for pretty
Eric the Red
Written by
Eric the Red  40/M/Southwest
   --- and Nicole Levy
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