the colon is not used to make emphasis, rather: crafting a collateral ratio argument... capitalism is finding it hard to compete, in that it's left with only self-competing, it has spawned: out-competing itself... which is perhaps why it had to invest in a.i. technology; but in furore it's still dismass regarding the prospect of a success of hybrid-communism in the case of china... oh, don't we look oh so pretty pretty with our amazonian looks, of a diverse "earnings"? capitalism is in a stage of rethinking socialism, it can't live without a genuine antagonist, as much as it can't antagonise itself: also called the reversal of detonating an atom bomb.
it's hardly about building an actual wall, or believing in a geography, let alone a border... perhaps i was born in a place that was considered *redostrowiec: a sharpness of well i.e. ostry (sharp - denoting a male pronoun use - ostrość - the quality ascriptive of a knife - sharpness) and więc, i.e. well? that's inquisitive... because, most of the time (as i rather not say: sometimes) "things" become hidden to allow for a coagulation arcade; digression aside: these people are a wall... whatever border there may be on a geography map, even with or without a border... that's genuine to translate 20th century german existential concept of volk: a people - it's almost sad seeing people with tattoos... when the actual tattooing is done by history... cognitive, sure, but far more apparent... i may live in "exile" just like a toy with made in china is used in "exile"... but these days you can translate german national socialism into polish, with? volk: a people. like an abandoned father with a brood of younglings... watching from afar... there was no need to build an actual wall... the people morphed into one... like a phalanx formation.