I am an exoskeleton Falling to pieces Half alive yet entirely dead Crumbling and translucent Delicate, and drifts, fluttering With a single breath from someone Nearby I could be crushed or mangled By a strike of the hand or a flick of a finger But because I am considered beautiful and strange I am kept preserved The world revolves around beauty and Oddities and I become one of these Studied anomalies, a curiosity, merely Because I am not like them I am Oriental And Occidental I am a Southerner And a Northerner I am malnourished Yet well fed I am thin and short But my stature belies my power I am a geek, nerd, braniac, dork, and overachiever But remain a stupid, ignorant, procrastinator I am certainly an curio; a Living Breathing Walking Oxymoron
The title will probably only make sense to those that have read Reaper Man by Terry Pratchett