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Feb 2018
The noise is back
It echoes in my head
It whispers to me
I can't ignore it
I want to give in
But I shouldn't
It reminds me
Of dreadful things
I thought they were forgotten
But the noise never forgets
Every mistake
Every embarrasment
Every dark secret
Why? You may ask...
Why don't I try to get it out
The noise is my punishment
I must not let it go
Or pain will come
And cover me like a cocoon
I let the noise whisper
I let myself remember
I wish I didn't
But it is to late
It is a part of my being
My soul can't live without
That stupid little noise
That kills me...
From the inside out.
Written by
Alex  19/Trans Male/The Butterfly Nebula
(19/Trans Male/The Butterfly Nebula)   
     Quiet Rose and StaticNSage
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