so i'm sitting there, in front of the t.v., fresh as a daisy, moist like a ****: wondering... this flat white coffee advert is really something... i remember times when i used to order an: americano with milk... apparently a flat wife... white is an non-fancy way of saying: just pour some milk into it... too bad they don't serve a rich white... huh-what's-that? double cream instead of milk... but this advert gave me flushes... i started fidgeting in my seat, getting all hot & bothered at the McMathematics... so she's selling a flat white, or rather, she explains it as (verbatim): two thirds coffee, a third milk, and a third milk-foam... i would seriously have a problem with that: if i didn't cut my thumb off to make it a complete fraction... that's why i used to ask for: an americano with milk... so what's a cappuccino? afro white? frizz white? i'm a feral creature living on the outskirts of London... language is hardly a way to cage me... at least i found a medium i can ****... and it's gagging for more of my antics... and that shouldn't even become an abstract of a person for the person on the receiving end... McMathematics: four thirds equal a whole and not 4/3, i.e. 2/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 = 1; it must mean there's a free muffin to go along with the fla- white (hyphen so you prolong and **** that sound like u b experiencing a brain hae-mo-rr-hage: or talk like Dorry); trill baby, trill: call a hedge the Hague via hage... háge háge háge... and hike with a hake down the end of your fishing line (hay'k, stutter, snap: ha -k- 'eh?) also know as the haka: in social sciences that's: cultural incorporation, rather than appropriation; but then again: who am i to sharpen someone's pencil? if this is the closest i'll ever get to sky diving? **** it: free fall!