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Feb 2018
I laid on my side
As I broke down and disappeared into the core
Of my cellphone
I wanted out, unsure of how to escape
I felt a slight tapping near my ear
Lightly touching my face, my hair

I opened my eyes
And you stood there all your own
Not attached to any object or thing
With a black and purple
Three dimensional haze
Drifting, levitating slightly
Your arm snapped and drew back
Into its socket

Your teeth large and held at a grit like
You lasted long enough for me to see you
And then you were gone
Like smoke.

You rematerialized once more
As the form of my shadow
While I slept on the other side of the bed.

We used sage to light up the whole house
And burn out any ill will
I lit some incense
With some sage in a coffee cup
Took a melatonin
And spent most of my night
Eyes open

You didn't return to me last night
Perhaps the sage did the trick

Black and purple haze
My friends say you probably just wanted attention
Don't we all?
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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