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Feb 2018
The light bulb across the room burns
A bright yellow sun
It is quiet now
Other than the sound of light snoring
Down the hall.
It is a Philadelphia hour

And I think of all the places I’ve been
All the kisses I’ve received
And given.

It’s so easy to get so caught up in it all
My eyes long for sleep now
But my mind still aches for a little bit more
I’m not even sure what that more might be
But in the darkness of the night
My phone lights up from time to time

And I wonder why you have gone so quiet
I’m sad that you have gone so quiet
Though we only were for such a short time
I see your words around me
I wonder what you feel now
Unsure of what was real
And what wasn’t

I was sorry and I still am
I learned so much from you
Even though we only existed
Together for truly a minute
I miss you
And I wish things were different.

Maybe they will be
But I can’t long for
Or try anymore
Right now.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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