the actualy need need for a d.n.a. narrative to be established can only imply that: the narrative per se is pointless... because why would there be an imperative of both individualism and collectivism: hush it dr. X i'm trying to sort this one out... there's a d.n.a. narrative? i have to actually act upon a gene without a gene acting upon me? and i need to give genetics the status of history? sure, **** yeah: d'oh d'oh d'oh: the nod before the yes and no as question... sign me up sg. ****-pants.... did i ever tell you that i wish i joined an army and subsequently wrote a ****** autobiography? i did neither except the last, quasi: biography-momentum.. i just can't see past the ******, annoying, ****-worthy staging of an "impetus" to live... i can, at least, think about a categorical imperative... but leaving the open air on a categorical impetus so open, wild, and anglican?! you have to be dull as a buffalo to completely agree with that is being said, even though: university of life versus university is true... don't bother with a university... you'll only be taught be people more interested by their research than pedagogy: let me spell it out u n i v r e s i t y ≠ p e d a g o g y; university is a bit like a holocaust denial... i really hope it didn't happen, because whatever happened when i was there: had only a matter of memory to convince in being useful. i still can't buy into biology, of all the science: reclaiming the status of history... why the **** would i want to buy into passing on my d.n.a.?! how about a thought, akin to what Poland represents when the black plague spread across Europe with the metaphor of Islam at hand... how about: *******?!