We could have had a baby. It was just enough time to have a child, to let it grow inside me, to see the bump get bigger, and bigger, and for it to be born just today, wailing loudly so everyone around is aware of its much awaited presence.
But we don't. We have ended just like that. Yes, I ended it just like that and I'm still uncertain what triggers a girl, me, to let go of the only man in the whole world who loves her, you, I will never figure out.
I'm confused, lost and broken, and without the privilege of being able to feel sorry for myself. Fighting the hardest battle I've fought in a while, trying to stop myself from running back to you.
I loved you. Somewhere not too deep down I still do. But, for a while it hasn't been enough and I'll never know why, because your sad smile and the lingering smell of your after shave as we hugged for the last time still haunts me!
This poem is the sole property of me and cannot be copied or used without permission. [Copyright G.H. Rodrigo 17/10/2011]