what a parting sea spectated with: but one word...
the teutonic ascription compared to: a sword that fits through a mold of an needle (double) -
or is that: the dull monstrosity of an unfolded umbrella?
trailing back with an english son to the german father: plenty of S to Z and Z to S interchanges: believe me...
one word: just one word of "concern"...
disease... dißease...
ah, but there are two variant emphasis structures, hence the need to deconstruct them with what the germans might call: "chinese" optics -
you bundle a few words together, but actually can't pronounce them when someone else does a similis, e.g. grzegorz brzęczyszczykiewicz - gregory buzzingfangpeakfeat outliers of the word, dissected: szczy(t) - peak kie(ł) - fank w(i/y)cz(yn) - feat... i.e. greg buzzed like a fly at ease attempting the feat of "climbing" fang-peak... but there is no technicality to go over: digression hasn't really earned its place as worth scholarly interpretation: unlike rhetoric that morphed into oration... it's borrowed from a cult film that you should go and see: how i unfolded the second world war... by a single rifle shot nearing Danzig...
how am i to be both poet and surgeon? you know that there are "doctors" who are merely clerks and there are "butchers" that are also the misters as surgeons? yeah, a clerk can be a dr. but a surgeon is a mr., petition for surgeons to receive christmas cards with a dr. adam smith (generic address)...
as you might observe: i'm not trying to be smart: it's just ******* complicated in general...
english as shrapnel in comparison to german:
dis-ease, as i once explained: a negation of ease... but when you say it disease: well: that's worth steering away from... but there are twin emphasis routes to say that one, but one word...
if you only know that there is a latin prefix attached to what could have been ease: but never really bloomed into a retirement plan...
well... the snapping Z in the first tier emphasis of: and i hope that awaits you too... or the curved S of a universal: it could meet you to - a dis- +ease magnets: magnets: how could i write it as dis- -ease and: surprise surprise: the words didn't attract a compound?
any man would have given up on language at this point: **** it, let's splash some colour on a blank and call it a: Kandinsky...
jaw bone to the elephant tusk comparison: i've learned that brushing my teeth once a day, with a minimal amount of toothpaste makes me wish my dentist was death - as i already proved: post wake after my great-grandmother's funeral: grinding my teeth to the point where i chipped a bit of my lower central incisor: because i cry when animals die and i do the following when a human dies.
i also have a cheap tattoo: a scar from having a port-wine stain that hosted the flesh on top of my shoulder-blade removed...
and i'm a writer of fiction in my delusion of actually having inconsistency believing the only belief remaining: (it's) worth digressing;
but if you had to attach yourself to having spotted an emphasis with only a single word? you too would have been a(n) edinburgh university chemistry student: once upon a time...
(n): is that optional? i mean: is there a arm, or is that: an arm? magnets: how can you have two vowels attract and also have two consonants attract when: in relation to the stated difference: there ought not be a: oo - or how you say: oh - whenever you ooh? glee gloat glue... but there is no worthwhile critique of Kandinsky: splash of colour: **** here, **** there, a slight at geometry and: boom! hey presto let's build an art gallery.
(i forgot the goat)...
because after you don't really get that much "attention": you get to do the ******* like - unlike a respectable pardoner of Kraszewski... (kra-shae-w-ski) -
you know what i really want? for a linguist to be given the primitive tools of language back: and explain what's /ɡəʊt/ - apparently it's a thing with horns, a goatee: and possibly a milk sack... hairy... lives in mountains: or if "domesticated" can survive on paper: in the form of public posters...
and to think grass could equal cow... or grass = horse... i really don't need to be a scientist to say: wow!
and the masculine in a poetic format is, what? probably something alongside this - speech, perfection!
it's still going to be a variation when you don't acknowledge that disease is not akin to a pathogen: a hostile body, a virus, a life from Mars, when in fact it's just the minus aking to: dis-ease: a denial of ease better represented by those atop sky-scrapers: those without the denail of... whatever even they know of ease.
well... all i can say is that i saved an Amazonian tree just by doing that... a lot do about nothing: and absolutely nothing to do with a lot.