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Feb 2018
I fly up high on wings of man
And see below, the beautiful land
My job's to fight the firey beast
From North to South , West to East

I love my job and I am proud
But the fire is fierce , and its rage is loud
The sky is grey and thick with smoke
I pray to God I make it out

I dive down deep ,to drop the load
I hear the pop , my wings expload
My job on earth is now done
My life in heaven has begun

My sisters and brothers , please dont cry
For With wings of God , Im still up high
The firey beast has not won
For me eternity has just begun

Written by E.M.Rushton
This was written after a fellow firefighter died while flying a water bomber  fighting a forest fire.
Eva Rushton
Written by
Eva Rushton  Nova Scotia
(Nova Scotia)   
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