unlike ther germanic tribes: the slavs concern themselves with a basis: asia comes prior to africa... with whatever discussion is worth having... and i abide to a credo that doesn't draft so many, *******, traitors... "cenobites" of urbane living... i remain crude? rudiment bound? well: can't speak of man if not gravitating to hog filfth... every hear the story of the retreating German army and the invading Soviets? how the Soviets managed to conjure women in the form of goats? silly: "little" men aged 16... how the Mongols now seem feeble... almost worth having a human heart... switch of the evidence of the Swedish deluge: and look at Sweden now... am i to: play out a stigmata?! but then of course i am to be without history! i am to be clean from a history from a nation: a pronoun neutrality in terms of *** cooling language use... can that iota please become σ? a res totum? and that's a pronoun neuter of... what? i am neutral in what does not allow being inconvenient about: having to challenge... an african genesis does not belong in my history... asia on the counter point does... i can sow my uncle with idea, and he can sow me his, so we agree: perhaps it's just catholic *******... but then again: i better deal with the catholicism in excess than listening to Islamic adhans... i can stomach the catholicism but i just can't stomach the: Islam... after all... there's no point in a history in the present that can't be made manifest while protesting in forgetting a history... and keeping it intact... what point is there in keeping a history while at the same time forgetting it? the incredulity of language used being asked for a credulity of use per se: has no fathoming of ascribing a heart to any focused aim outside the aim of: a focus outside a focusing of an aim... to ascribe an aim with a worth of heart... an emptying of an ***** outside the mere rhythmic beat of the unconscious ***** worth a surgeon. the mere story my grandfather had of: herr bitte bonbon... and watching the soviet teens sleep with goats in the stables... affairs of the heart are best lest making affairs of at least a memory: rather than allowing a love to take place in order to: not allow man to learn lament, and instead: learn of regret and: the inhibited turn of phrase: you and your lack of a butcher's tact: at butchering my soul, having the hope of a surgeon's scalpel precision.