Love, you are my friend. To have you in my life is essential. Tho you may not be with me in the end, Where I need you the most to help show potential.
You're my protection from my hate, You help keep me in a proper mind state. Your insubstantial touch upon my tender heart, And every bit of you tickle my lips.
Love, you are my enemy. Having you in my life was the best for me, But when my heart shed that long lasting tear, When ever I hear the word LOVE, I feel a sense of anger and fear.
You're the revolution of sensation that's lost. Every remembrance of you is like remembrance of Christ on the cross. You're so evil, come when you want a leave the same. Love, I cannot take pain you'll drive me insane.
Love, my friend and my enemy. You penetrate my life's choices and emotions. making me happy when skies are blue, And you get me excited to see the sun. Love, I maybe don't love or love you.
Because love you're my friend and my enemy. Am I your friend or enemy? Due to the fact of past and present. I do less harm to you as you do to me.