My face is red like the velvet cake we ate on our first date My heart is pounding in and out of my chest Just as the floor was pounding at our first concert My mind is glitching as though I was back to that night The night we tripped The overwhelming sensation of life at my fingertips Has taken over me The track marks on his vein didn't change who he was The velvet stains just like that cake only changed one thing What changed was our being Our being together Our being apart It all seemed the same When we're together neither of us are there When we're apart we're together At heart Everyone says distance makes the heart grow fonder The distance out between us formed a troubling path way to the near future Where my life is no longer in my hands but more or less at the end Now my neck is covered in velvet cake Hand prints of the past Cover my body as though I can't rid them As if I took a bath in the problems I cannot face My very own velvet cake