I am a Christian I believe in the supremacy of God I falter every minute I discern His love is amazing His mercies ever enduring His loving kindness immense I am unworthy, underserving and penitent Yet, a dog I am always returning to my *****; The wiles and guilt I was purged of, the minute before I doubt him, I lose hope, I get impatient I fail to recall I am an integral part of the ore A metal, a mineral buried in my father, the Solid Rock He who will break my heart only to remind me that He would always be there to fix it My catch when I trip and fall My pain He will soothe only if I trust Him to ease it In Him, I live, breath and have my being But most times in momentary pleasures I get lost, greed engulfs me and I am limited by lust I forget the king is my Father and my heart is His greatest treasure Sometimes it takes a sweeping storm to remind me, He is my anchor, my lifeguard ,my trust But mostly He is, I am... -r3d-