dla jaj (i.e. eggs - jokes, gags): co ma piernik to wiatraka? no... co? to samo co ma parasol do tyczki... i to samo: warte nart: skee *******: skee! how does that look with diacritical marks? sky not ski? skī? e, e... me and my uncle agreed: i better hear this catholic ******* than advertise a Sheikh cite a Surah... sorry: no... we can call them: old ladies taken care of by a charlatan... but i can still bulge in eating pork. schnout?! hog.
there's nothing *fake about what has simply become prefixed by: crypto; and no... give me a blank slate and i'll smear my ******* crayon like i might **** in an alley... there was never, ever anything "new" about the news... unless i'm mistaken, news, as a word, is an acronym... n.e.w.s.: north, east, west, south... call me bonkers, but within the vicinity i occupy? news is as much about nothing, as a dog taking a **** is about everything.