a dust blows in the wind. that which of many bodies burned and broken. I inhale. ashes crowd my mouth and i am no longer alone. I am with the many who died that day. Families search for loved ones in the ruins. I carelessly breathe them in. they are returned to the world through my tears. Cloudy tears stream my face as i think. Dust covers my face, as i watch people fall from the sky. Are they living? Are they alive? Running people trampled looking for shelter. I think of the planes. The people on them, and the fate they soon would encounter. I sheild my face for fear of recognition, that one may cry with me. The smell of burning flesh and gasoline fills my nostrils, i can not breathe. I gasp for air. Connected through burning bodies, tumbling buildings, and falling limp corpses. A connection so deep, we fear the day. A day when we remember. A day when the nation changed. A day that will haunt us forever.