If you knew me you'd know my favorite color is red like a rose If you knew me you'd know that I am a huge sweet tooth But I never want anyone to know If you knew me you would know that I act tough knowing that I am even more sensitive You’d know that I over think ALMOST everything If you knew me you'd know I cry more times when I am mad If you knew me you'd know I should have died when I was 8 Which made my mom very sad You'd know I have a 6 inch scar on my stomach And under my arm You'd know I've never known what a father feels like but sometimes that makes me sad You'd know I use to have Bulimia because I was fat because I felt fat Because I was called fat If you knew me you'd know my dad is gay If you knew me you'd know that I was judged my whole life by someone who was judged their whole life and that affected me even though he wasn’t there so much If you knew me you'd know I hate being called dumb You’d know that I have a lot of insecurities and I think people see them My brain hates knowing they are there and if you knew me You’d know I’m scared of being alone because everyone always leaves me You’d know that when I’m in public I think everyone is watching So I get nervous Because I am an imperfect person