What are the ingredients of a lasting marriage? What are the ingredients of a lasting friendship? It is honesty, trust, openness, patience, hope, humility and love Honesty is the first principle; the first policy Trust is the salt and the oil needed to eat the yam of friendship Openness like trust is the engine room and fragrance Humility maintains these engines and invigorates them Patience is the safe-fall mechanism; a virtue Hope is the expectation that all will be great Anchored on the heptads that are there to manure the soil of friendship Hence, they keep the vegetation lush even in winter
Love is not the only bastion of long lasting relationship Yet love is paramount to a sustainable relationship It gives meaning to the sacrifices and self denials It is at the centre of the vortex of passion expressed in those votive wordings The wordings of commitment and exchange of hearts Love cannot support the heptads of relationship alone It can only open the door for its off springs: Kindness, respect, faithfulness, and affection They come in to strengthen and secure the bond of friendship
When lies and mistrust creeps in When one party trades but in these woes It weakens the heptads and erodes it of Trust Honesty is murdered and openness buried Patience slacks and love cringes Humility scurries away and Hope is gone The same applies to the off springs of love That loves turns into hatred and resentment In truth, the depth of love is always the depth of hatred It can bring down every good thing it once erected That it takes grace if not divinity to mend the walls again Love is needed but without these others relationship crumbles
We need love in our relationships but we still need other human virtues to water it. If not the love withers like hibiscus in winter.