Frozen breath holding back weight, against the chest seems great stacked like stones
Starting softly to see from the third door down the row,reclusive, damage is waiting to show
Others in red alert our mind coming on slow, their fear no reflection on our unknowns
Peace while in waiting,thoughts flow slow into a reflecting pool,echos beginning to grow
Time blown backwards when clocks stopped ticking , simple assessments our only goals
Mental evaporation senses left wide open,trying to find the song but only get static from the radio
Held back by grogginess looking out from fogginess ,bits of life as viewed through those holes
Oh MY I made it,escaped , BUT when will blackness call again,laying low not quite thinking of that other plateau
Bolted ,jolted rousing frequently followed by drowsing,hearing as a low hum ,sounds soon forming new tones
Nonexistentance now part of the ritual ,for the witness memories are visual,slowly waiting to say hello
Perspective has changed, await for thoughts to be rearranged ,senses in collusion with massive confusion,new beginning like waiting for future episodes . R.C.
Is a simple perspective on what many go through daily , normally would not say this but defining "Postictal" would help. it is a unique perspective and can be ever changing so we are never quite able to prepare for "it" ,kept it in the scope of just the perspective of the small window not the whole experience I may try to expand on it. Thanks for reading your thoughts are helpful. Rick