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Sep 2012
Little fingers brush against my face,
Little feet kick softly at my sides,
Your sweet little smile,
Those blue eyes staring up at me,
Everything inside me loves you.

The day you were born
I didn't know what to expect,
It was a surprise to me,
I didn't know I could love anything.

You taught me things,
Much more then I could teach you,
I'll show you how to ride a bike,
Maybe tie your shoes,
I still couldn't catch up to you.

Only four short months ago,
You were coming into this world,
It was a long nine months,
You changed my whole world,
I can honestly say,
I'll give anything for you,
I just want to watch you grow,
I'll protect you from danger,
Encourage you in doubt,
The world is yours,
My sweet little girl.
R A Sanders
Written by
R A Sanders
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