This day brings too many memories too many reasons to cry but you wouldnt know anything by looking me in the eye part of me is happy that you're not in my life but the other part is saddened along with feelings of sorrow and of strife I have met someone worth my time his love is true and sincere no longer do I wait for you he's helped my conquer my worst fear though he's nothing like you but that I do not mind he's funny, good looking, nice he gets me and he's kind
this day brings me sadness yet it also brings me hope thankfull I'm not stuck on you and that I havent a reason to mope I'll keep our memories in my head but push them out of my heart with this day comes an ending and an even better start I do a lot of reflecting today just thinking on the past and to be honest, the time I've wasted on you makes me start to laugh I couldnt seem to shake the feelings I had for you I convinced myself you were perfect that your feelings, though hidden, were true
realizing you were fake was the hardest thing I've done but now I've conquered my feelings and I feel like I have won I was too young and too foolish looking for love too soon you were fresh out of love wondering if again you could swoon well you had my heart for three years now it's time to face the facts
you've played with my emotions and put on a splendid act you mean nothing to me now if stated would be a lie I'm done trying to get to you I don't want anymore reasons to cry that was something you were always good at and very frequently did so lets face the truth I'm mature and you are still a kid goodbye my almost lover I hope your life is fun I cant say I enjoyed the heartache but at least now it's done