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Sep 2012
So many things
I want to tell you
But they were never
Able to come out
And now they haunt me
Torment me
In the darkest recesses of my mind.

Sometimes being away
Makes me realize
Just the right amount
Of emotion I have bottled
Inside and away from you.

If you only knew.
How sometimes at night
Id pray to disappear
To die
I find the answer
Death would only end the suffering
And start another.
Would you care?
Would you stop me?
No, you would let me go
Down that forsakened path alone.

Torn my heart
Stained my soul
Tears of blood
Flow from unseen wounds
And pool on the floor
As I stand before you

Pure tears
Fall down my face
And mix with the blood
That seems to flow
More from my chest cavity

In my hands
I held the still beating heart
As I hold it out to you
Looking in your hands
Where the silver metal
Flashed in the moonlight.

Wake up
Its just a dream
Or is it.

Images seem to haunt
My mind

So was it really a dream
Or am I eternally alone
And haunted
By a memory.
Semerian Perez
Written by
Semerian Perez
     Carlyy and Ahmad Cox
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