I don't understand the way My heart flutters in the wind A paper bag caught On streams of air That swing it back and forth Till it finally settles Then is sweeped back to that Blizzard gust To swoon in the power of epic wind Only to become limp And fall Impotent to that shadowed movement Of love in the wind
While the wind is harmless, That within it is not And fluttering so softly That paper bag Swiftly smothers and suffocates A single poor figure. Only to be let go And hurt Again And again And again
To be left, on the ground, Limp and lifeless Like a paper bag A mutilated corpse Cut through a thousand knives Beaten through a thousand drums Leaving nothing but a twisted figure Caught in its own inexorable misery.
As the paper bag Fluttered Ever so softly away. My Heart, tied in a paper string Caught in the wind