A fool I have become through the eyes of others observing how I am easily replaced. You can deny and believe it the truth, but they can see what you do not.
Like an old tattered slipper, I have been tossed aside; with no concern of the hurt inflicted. Preferred at one time, but now collecting dust; you acquired another with cushion aplenty.
Quiet footsteps getting louder "he is coming for me; he did not forget." The blow of disappointment hitting hard as I feel the breeze of his passing hand.
Years of adjustments for the accurate fit "did he not see how we conformed as one?" Every bump and every curve I cushioned his walk with every step.
Unwanted and worthless in your eyes I was carelessly thrown out into the garbage, sinking deeper as the heaviness grows a sudden tug pulling me from the heap.
Ragged and frayed upon the surface what is seen underneath is greatly appreciated. What you threw away was obtained by another; the warmth still delivered on a frosty night.