Possibly providing early pleasure, roaming in the moment,soaking in perceived passion
Unforeseen future,risking random rendezvous,what is not known is never seen
Few intentionally defile, no goal to pursue anything vile,yet a path is laid by their action
Safely sampling simple treasure without a true measure,so much just becomes routine
Much to our dismay quickly caught up in a fast array,simple pleasure no longer part of the attraction
What will it be that makes that early plea? slow pace to a full blown race,starts with caffeine maybe ending with amphetamine
Youths candy is indeed dandy,sipping slurpees slipping into sugar diabetes silent diseases forming from recreation
Mellow urge before the surge ,avid appetites flowing ,mild appetites growing to affinity
Beliefs are blind to habits formed, fantasy world forms from infatuation
New age of games bring new pains stayed clear of beer now a new hurdle to clear
Each taste a test ,with skills learned from pain we face each day with veracity .R.C.
Just a few thoughts of the game we all play with involvement maybe carried to over involvement , a bit light? but even with my own long term sobriety drug free ,not thought of in that light ,more the sense of a new age and so MUCH more available ,but do we learn to live with things BEFORE they take A LOT of us out? :) keeping IT simple isn't quite as simple:) surviving our own stupidity still seems to be the basic thought ,Thanks for reading I appreciate you thoughts Rick