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Jan 2018
The sun shone brightly
Upon my warm American skin
Prancing around like I was the
Star of the show
Disappearing through corridors
Or puffs of eloquent smoke
You kissed me and pulled me into
The lagoon of German persuasian
Though you spoke Hebrew
And wanted to link me into
Your sweet little nation.

I danced and crooned among all the men
And swapped clothes with the women
My hair glimmering into the night sky
It all happened so quickly
Landing and hearing of death
Mourning, mourning edges on so quietly
And so unavoidably.

We pick up our faces from the ground
I pick up my face from the ground
Prepare for battle
And think of your kind eyes
Your sweet ***** teeth
And how you would speak to me
Our love lives there
In the streets of sugary Austria.

And there it will stay.
Written by
OnwardFlame  Los Angeles, CA
(Los Angeles, CA)   
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