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Jan 2018
With how sharp and deep you pierce, I'm sure you must have the sharpness and height of Goliath's spear.

No matter how many horrorful stories about you are told, nobody understands it until they have a personal feel of you.

Even when we tell them how we feel when you hit us, we remain the only ones who know how it feels to be crushed

You are almost like death - unknown until we cross the line.

Blessed are those who never met with you. But I wonder how much they would know about this life without an encounter with you.

Maybe every young man and woman must meet you sometime because if they choose well, they'd not leave bitter but better.

When you pass through a life,  it feels like drinking a full keg of cold liquor mixed  with broken glass pieces and more

Even chocolates are tasteless and love poems become meaningless once you arrive.

Your power can **** love, hope and joy and leave those who believed in them with momentary emptiness.

Though you once in a whileΒ  give the hint that you'd be passing, you mostly come unexpectedly to do your worst.

You are like the night that replaces the sun and feels our eyes with tears so we can't see the stars of night.

You see, those who are dead know they are dead but those whose hearts are broken never know exactly what it is they are going through.

Broken hearts don't heal, even when they come together, the scar remains like a tribal mark under makeup.
Written by
(Ghana, W/A)   
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