when in my head i go insane; when thoughts are tangled, lost in blame; when paranoia's boiling blood; when I consider all ways out; when I can trust what isn't real; when smallest thing is a big deal; when i feel like the world is crushing; collapsing right under my feet; when desperation's gripping tightly me by the throat and i lose sleep; when overthinking cant be stopped; and of all sanity and clarity im robbed; when pain inside's too much to bear and my hopes turn into despear he understands, he doesn't mind he walks right by me, not behind; he knows that in my teary eyes hide years of love and sacrifice; he tells me what i need to hear to win this war against my fear; he understands, he doesn't mind; when sun's too bright but i need light when world's unfair - he's still so kind; he says he loves me when i seem be drowning in my own dark beam; he talks about me, how he's keen; alas he lives inside my dream.