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Dec 2017
How many times I stood there freezing in that cold room thinking that just maybe one of you would ask how I was or be interested

Then the seconds became minutes, days, and years
Yet my shadow still is standing there, waiting and waiting

I keep thinking, maybe it was something I did or didnt do
But all I get in response is the same lurking shadow waving
and it keeps waving and saying, don't worry someday they...

I imagine when that someday becomes today then my shadow
will come back and be by my side. And then the cold will finally
go away.

But when hope is only left to imagination then despair also is just an illusion.

So I only hope to not despair for my shadow, which refuses to stop waving, and hoping that one day you will come...
Brandt Hott
Written by
Brandt Hott
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