for 3 days I cried like a waterfall overflowing my tears were unstoppable
and it was like every little emotion I had bottled up attacked every nerve and every cell in my body my soul was weeping for what I had lost my heart had just finally allowed itself to break
all those hours I cried over you over what I had done to you over how I had hurt you and how I had lost you forever all those minutes I spent in agony feeling like my insides were being ripped in two I hurt over you all those seconds I beat myself up trying to find a solution, a choice I never once made myself an option
3 days later I woke up and realized I had been crying over everyone but the person who deserved it the most Me I should have spent those tears on the person who needed them all this time I was writhing in agony over who to choose and not once did I stop to think, I am the ******* choice I do not deserve to be made to split myself open so painfully for others when I deserve to be planted deep in my own ground and stay rooted in my own soul
I am already everything I've ever needed it was the pain that made me believe I was not the fact that I loved others so deeply that led to me believe I wasn't capable of giving that love to myself it was the hand that plucked me up like a flower and tried desperately to keep me alive with a vase and some water when my roots were not meant to be confined in the first place