In a second grade classroom a tiny ant with a treasure thinks only of taking it to his colony. A big hero he will be. So he drags a piece of popcorn much bigger than he.
he drags and pulls and tugs
On a second grade classroom floor, the ant's work is hard but will be worth it. A big hero he will be. So he drags a piece of popcorn much bigger than he.
he drags and pulls and tugs
On a second grade classroom rug, the ant's task seems insurmountable but he knows of no other way. So for an hour, he retraces his path backwards dragging a piece of popcorn across the classroom rug.
He drags and tugs and pulls
In the open of a second grade classroom, the ant feels exposed on the carpet but cover is closer now, he can feel it. It's just there, where the wall meets the carpet. A space just big enough to hide an ant.
Closer and closer.
He tugs and pulls and drags his prize closer still Pulling and dragging the popcorn lurches across the carpet.
His rear legs reach cover Then his thorax, his abdomen, his head with antennae and mandibles
The Problem.
In a second grade classroom a line of popcorn rests where the carpet meets the wall.