I guess I'll do the same as I've always done, Write poem after poem about what loving you felt like Even if you didn't I'll write poem after poem about the way your laugh rose and fell like mountains and music to my ears I know I'll write poem after poem about the way you looked with the moonlight kissing your face I'll write about how you told me you didn't want to get hurt again I'll write about how you told me you hated your real dad and wished him the worst Even if I wasn't the girl you saw marriage with I'll write about how you were selfish yet strong Poem after poem I'll write about you Even if my knuckles become ****** I'll write about the book you found for me That was something special, something loving, something I'll never let leave me --Even if words never meant much to you
I'll write about what loving you felt like How it felt like air How it felt like sun How loving you felt like waking up Poem after poem I'll write about our night by that trail you took me too where you went to run on nights you needed to get away Maybe that was nowhere special but to me I guess it will always be that --Nowhere special, Somewhere special Poem after poem I'll hear you telling me how soft my hair was that night we got coffee Poem after poem I'll remember you telling me your mother could tell I loved you by the way I'd look at you --Even if you never looked at me that way Poem after poem I'll remember the night you laid on my chest and let me hold you I'll remember how you counted my heartbeats, you said my heart beat at 100 beats a minute, and yours beat at 117 beats a minute. Because you timed it I thought that was something special Something noteworthy Poem after poem I'll remember how you said you felt like you had known me forever I'll remember the night you told me you loved me, and you told me what we had was different If you go up north where the leaves change colors poem after poem I'll write about how your almond colored eyes always held bigger dreams - -Even if you don't want me apart of them anymore. So if you never return, just know, Poem after poem, the love will never leave me.