People talking to one another without speaking walking by without stepping forward ignoring without looking the other way screaming without moving their mouths
yet here I'm sitting without touching the ground without being grounded to anything or anyone and I seem to be the only one breaking the silence I seem to be the one who moves the feet below me
I'm feeling myΒ Β legs stiffening as I step I'm not breaking the silence as loudly as I once had I'm touching the ground and it's weighing me down Yet everyone wants to be a "grounded person"
So I'm leaping off the landing with all I've got Trying to be suspended as I was before It's harder now knowing all that I do But I have to get back to where I was before
I'm afraid, if I don't, I too will be stuck falling into the same patterns as the others never moving, never making noise, never knowing what it means to be grounded is being without doing