There's few things better than a *** of good rice, for hunger both physical and emotional.
It's my one good tie to what my father denied me. My mother learned it from my grandmother, along with a host of other things, like spam enchiladas; something my mother never made.
It's simple too. You gotta crack the rice first, it's vital to keep it from sticking. That's what they say, and I'm not sure it's true but I do it anyway. You oil up a *** or a deepset pan and just fry it for a bit. Then it's cracked and ready for the rest.
The water needs a bit more too, but just a bit. Tomatoes and peppers or maybe just tomatoes. Chicken broth or stock too, we always use Knorr. I like to add some cumin to give it a warm smell and taste. Sometimes you don't add the veggies, but either way it's a bit more. Just a bit because really it's just rice.
But it comes out warm and smelling of home and things that could've been home. It tastes pretty good to boot. It's my mother's rice that she taught to me, but my grandma taught it to her and it could've been hers. It should've been abuela's.
Could've been, should've been it's a sign either way. It's one of my ties, the biggest one I think because there's few things better than a *** of good rice.