We are hanging on firmly, To each other, Strong and trembling, Fighting for ourselves And for what we feel, And no one around can tell what we are feeling, The doubts can close in around us But within our own cocoon, Knowing what we know, Feeling what we feel, We are safe inside.
I live for the moments when you are close, When I can match my breathing with yours, When my hand is your hand, When my eyes are your eyes, When not a thing passes through my lips, Inward or outward, which I do not share with you.
And when you are gone, Every time you have to go, My heart breaks all over again And I take the larger piece and give it to you to take, To keep until again my hand is your hand, My eyes are your eyes, And my lips are your lips.
This poem is not to be copied or reproduced without the expressed permission of the author.